How to clear browsing cache for one site in Microsoft Edge browser

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In today's digital age, web browsing has become an essential part of our daily routine. As we browse various websites, our browsers store a lot of information, such as images, videos, and text, to make our browsing experience faster and more seamless. However, this cached data can sometimes cause issues like slow loading pages, outdated content, or even security risks. If you are a Microsoft Edge user and facing similar problems with a specific website, clearing the cache for that site could be the solution. In this article, we will guide you on how to clear the browsing cache for one site in Microsoft Edge, allowing you to enjoy a smoother browsing experience.

An internet user might want to clear their browsing cache for several reasons. First and foremost, cached data can accumulate over time, taking up valuable storage space on the device. Clearing the cache can help free up this space and make the device run faster. Moreover, cached data can sometimes become outdated, leading to issues like slow loading pages, outdated content, or even security risks. In some cases, clearing the cache can help resolve these issues and allow for a more seamless browsing experience. Additionally, if a user shares a device with others, clearing the cache can help protect their privacy by removing their browsing history and login credentials from the device. Overall, clearing browsing cache can help improve device performance, resolve browsing issues, and protect user privacy.

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Method 1

There is a short cut that does a "hard refresh": pressing simultaneously CTRL + F5 .

Method 2

The other method is to disable caching for a specific page by using the developer tools, as follows:

  1. Click the Main Menu (hamburger) -> More Tools -> Developer Tools
  2. Go to Network tab, and
    1. Make sure "Disable Cache" is checked
  3. Refresh the page.

Note: once you close the developer tools console, caching of the page will resume.

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The above methods allow hard-refreshing the cache of assets on a web page, without logging the user out of all her sessions, and without losing local data of unrelated pages. Hard-refreshing the cache is a useful technique when you want to ensure that the latest version of an asset, such as an image or stylesheet, is being served to the user. This can be especially important when making updates or changes to a website, as cached assets may cause the user to see outdated content or experience layout issues.

By using one of the methods outlined above, you can force the user's browser to fetch the latest version of the asset from the server, rather than relying on a cached version. This can be done without logging the user out of all their sessions or losing any local data for unrelated pages, which is important for providing a smooth and uninterrupted browsing experience.

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