Vote Up Down Vote up! 2 Vote down! Rails: How can I specify a local gem with Bundler or in my Gemfile?
Vote Up Down Vote up! 22 Vote down! Image Thumb An analysis of why Ruby on Rails is the best web-development framework
Vote Up Down Vote up! 22 Vote down! Image Thumb Un análisis de por qué Ruby on Rails es el mejor framework de desarrollo web
Vote Up Down Vote up! 22 Vote down! Image Thumb Uma análise de por que Ruby on Rails é o melhor framework de desenvolvimento web
Vote Up Down Vote up! -8 Vote down! /var/lib/mongodb/WiredTiger.turtle: handle-open: open: Permission denied"}}
Vote Up Down Vote up! 8 Vote down! Mongodb, mongoid on ruby on rails: Could not load database configuration. No such file - ["config/database.yml"]
Vote Up Down Vote up! 7 Vote down! Image Thumb `parse_pc': .pc doesn't exist: <MagickCore> when installing rmagick on a ruby on rails app on ubuntu 22
Vote Up Down Vote up! -6 Vote down! Image Thumb ubuntu 22 yaml.h not found, when running bundle of a ruby on rails application.