Fireside chat with an engineer: What is kanban in software engineering?

Kanban is a visual workflow management system that is commonly used in software engineering to manage the development and delivery of software products. The name "Kanban" comes from the Japanese word for "signboard" or "billboard," and the approach is based on the principles of Lean and just-in-time manufacturing.

In software engineering, Kanban is used to manage the flow of work from development to delivery, with each task represented as a card on a board. The board is divided into columns that represent the different stages of the development process, such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done." Cards are moved from left to right as work is completed and progress is made.

One of the key benefits of Kanban is that it provides a visual representation of the development process, making it easy to see the status of each task and track progress. This helps to keep the process transparent and enables teams to identify and resolve bottlenecks in the workflow.

Another benefit of Kanban is that it allows teams to focus on delivering value to the customer by prioritizing work based on the customer's needs and expectations. This is achieved by limiting work-in-progress (WIP) and ensuring that each task is completed before moving on to the next.

In conclusion, Kanban is a powerful tool for managing the development and delivery of software products. By providing a visual representation of the development process and enabling teams to focus on delivering value to the customer, Kanban helps organizations to improve their software development processes and deliver better software products to their customers.


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