Nexenta - The Horizon Dashboard

Among other projects, Nexenta required building a front-end component to one of its storage adapters. Nexenta plugs into Swift, a component of OpenStack, to provide object storage to the OpenStack cluster. The Nexenta Horizon Dashboard is the User Interface component that allows admins to install and monitor it.

We implemented the dashboard in agile, iterative manner over the course of one month.

The adapter plugin allows Nexenta Swift users to seamlessly integrate their object storage systems with Open Stack software, providing an enhanced user experience and increased efficiency.

"We are thrilled to be able to offer this adapter plugin to Nexenta Swift users," said the Company CEO. "Our team has worked hard to ensure that it is user-friendly and easy to install, while also providing the high-quality performance that our customers have come to expect from us."

The adapter plugin is available now and can be easily downloaded from WasyaCo's website.


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