ReactJs Development

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Wasya Co is a custom software development shop. We build complex systems, more so than simple websites.

There is a lot that goes into software development. (See our process) A web site/system consists of a stack of technologies. (See our stack) For the front end, we often prefer to use React.

ReactJs is a frontend framework written in javascript (although typescript has gained popularity - see our opinion on Typescript vs Javascript), has its own syntact called jsx, and integrates well with a number of styling technologies: scss that we prefer, and css, among others.

React has a vibrant ecosystem of libraries, plugins and ready-made components. The community, knowledge base and massive support are some of the reasons we like to use it.

Very often a react frontend ends up being a monolyth, what can be called a single-page app. This is in contrast to rendering a react component as part of a larger page. Although this approach has its downsides, we often recommend and implement such single-page apps. (Additionally, if you have a legacy system that must be integrated with, we can discuss your organization's needs and see if piece-wise react components might be right for you.)

React follows industry standards such as automatic testing (see Jest), abstract routing, data layers (such as GraphQL), dependency injection and higher-order components. Indeed, React often sets industry standards, and we use the decisions made by react developers to inspire and guide our own.

Fundamentally, react is a renderer rather than a framework. This makes it elegant in its simplicity, and uncluttered. We use as little, or as much, react as is needed to get the job done. The major competitor to React is Angular by Google, and we feel that Angular is unnecessarily complex for most technical needs. In our opinion, React is the clear winner in the frontend framework battle.

At Wasya Co, we can build a React-based front end for you. Please fill out the form below to start a conversation about your project.

What technology stack are you using?
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